
How to get plugged in at FIVE39!

The FIVE39 Pathway is a set of steps designed to help you to grow spiritually as you engage with our community. We encourage you to take a look at the information below and challenge you to put these steps into practice.

1. Attend a Worship Gathering

Worship is at the core of what we do at FIVE39 - we’re all about giving thanks to Jesus for who he is and what he’s done! Find a worship night or preview service to attend and join us for a moving time of singing and worshipping Jesus with our FIVE39 family.

2. Engage in a Community

Communities are where FIVE39 feel like a family. You can find a community for your stage of life, your neighborhood, or the hobby you love. If you don’t see a group that fits your ideal description, talk to one of our staff members about leading one! Community Groups help you get connected with other members of FIVE39’s family.

3. Serve on a Team

We serve because Jesus first served us. FIVE39 Teams offer you a way to give back to your FIVE39 family and other groups impacted by FIVE39’s ministries. Whether your talent is playing piano, rocking a baby, or if you’re looking to discover a new way to serve, we’d love to help you begin!

4. Participate with a Family Card

Family Cards are a practical way for you to be a part of FIVE39’s vision of inviting people into Jesus’ family. Follow the link below to download a Family Card of your own. The card acts as a place to keep track of people in your life who you can invite to FIVE39 or even simply have a conversation with about the hope you have in Jesus.