Our Beliefs
We believe that statements of faith play an important role in uniting church families around a clear vision of who God is and what He’s all about. (You can find ours here.) We believe in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and are committed to living out his teachings in the world.
At the same time, we understand that something vital is short-circuited if we reduce our church to merely an impersonal list of beliefs. There’s a passage in the Bible reminding us that understanding complicated theology and knowledge about God is ultimately meaningless if we don’t love other people. That's important, because we’re not a spiritual clique - we’re a family of people seeking to follow Jesus.
As a community engaging in conversation with those unable to yet affirm these beliefs, we want you to know that we love and embrace you wherever you find yourself on your faith journey. We ask that beyond reviewing our statement of faith, you’d consider coming and joining us for an event or Sunday morning to see what it looks like for our church to practically live out these beliefs together.